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Hopefully This Helps
The Black Rose Studio is the your source for all things Tattoo in Texas! Our Tattoo Shop in Mansfield, Texas can also fix messed up tattoos caused by other, less talented shops, inspire more detailed designs than anyone else or help you get the most out of your tattoo- no matter where you got it. We proudly serve the residents in our community as well as those in nearby Arlington, Fort Worth, Dallas, and across the entire DFW Metroplex and state of Texas. Use this list of Frequently asked questions to help you get the most from your tattoo and if you don't see a question listed, give us a call at (682) 518-3142
HOW MUCH DO YOU CHARGE?We have a shop minimum of $150 for tattoos.Tattoos that are hand size or smaller generally fit into the shop minimum range. Larger tattoos can be priced based on size or time it takes to complete the tattoo. Each artist prices differently based on how they tattoo. It could be a flat rate, hourly rate, or based on how many sessions to finish the tattoo. Deposits are required for appointments and other fees can be included as well such as drawing or design time. We do not give quotes via message, email, or phone call. Best way to get an idea of the cost of your tattoo is to talk with the artists directly via email. If you arent sure what artist is best for you contact us and we will get you in contact with an artist that best fits your needs.
WHAT IS THE MINIMUM AGE TO GET A TATTOO?No person under eighteen (18) years of age shall be allowed to receive a tattoo.
CAN YOU COVER UP AN EXISTING TATTOO?Yes we can. This requires a face to face consultation with one of our artists to make sure the cover-up or re-work is possible. We will be honest if the tattoo can be salvaged or covered up.
DO I NEED TO HAVE AN APPOINTMENT OR CAN I JUST WALK IN?Yes, we absolutely accept Walk-ins all day, but appointments are preferred. Keep in mind the artists availability for phone calls is limited. The best way to get in, is to come in and talk with us. However, for Custom Tattoos we recommend that you come in for a consultation prior to your Tattoo session. Also you may be subject to artist availability. Not every artist is here everyday, neither do they have endless availabilty in one day to tattoo everyone wanting a tattoo. So, be patient and we will get you in to get your work or art from our artists.
WHAT IF I CAN'T MAKE IT TO MY APPOINTMENT?Call the shop (682) 518-3142 as soon as you are aware that you will not make your appointment. Even if its the same day, better than not calling at all. NO Call, No Show = loss of any deposit and appointments.
CAN I BRING A FRIEND WITH ME?You can most definitely bring a friend to your tattoo appointment. Sometimes it helps to have a friend to chat with during the tattoo. But when you bring 3 or more people with you, it gets too crowded in the tattoo artists lair, and can be very distracting to the artist. Please be respectful of other patrons and the artists by not bringing a crowd with you.
DO YOU DO TOUCH-UP's ON TATTOOS?Artists at The Black Rose Studio guarantee one free touch-up within the first six months of getting your tattoo. Touch-ups are for correcting imperfections that might happen during the healing process. It is not unusual for a little bit of color to come out of a tattoo during healing and we will always fix that sort of thing for free, as long as the aftercare instructions were followed. We want every patron of Impact Ink to be completely happy with their Tattoo. Things that are not considered a free touch-up would be: additions, color changes, or refreshing colors that have faded due to sun exposure. You are expected to care for your tattoo in the long term by keeping it out of the sun, and applying sunblock (spf 45 or above) whenever necessary to keep it from fading.
CAN I BRING MY OWN DESIGN?Just about any design you can think of can be made into a tattoo. You are more than welcome to bring in your own design or we can help you come up with the perfect design. If you already know what you want, great, it is very simple to convey your idea to our artists. The easiest way is with a picture. It doesn't matter what the picture is on (keychain, t-shirt, book, drawing...etc.). Even if you can't draw, our guys still love to do the custom work. Just describe it well or even bring in a stick drawing. We can turn it into your dream tattoo!
CAN YOU FIX MY OLD TATTOO?Old tattoos can be easily reworked into a fresh work of art. Color can be added to brighten your existing tattoo or with a little creativity even turned into a completely new (although larger) tattoo. There's no use in going through life with "Susan" tattooed on your arm if you love "Pam." Thanks to the modern possibilities of the The Black Rose Studio experience, it can all be corrected. Why wait? We fix other tattoo shop's mistakes every day!
IS IT SAFE TO GET A TATTOO?A Black Rose Studio tattoo is put on under the strictest of sanitary conditions. We use a totally disposable tattoo system for each tattoo and everything is disposed of after every tattoo, and the entire area sanitized. Our procedure consists of individually wrapped instruments that are only opened in front of you. (If you choose to go somewhere else, insist on this same procedure.) Each needle package is brand new and unused.
HOW SHOULD I PREPARE FOR MY TATTOO SESSION?Make sure you are well rested, well hydrated, and have eaten recently. Aside from that, take a shower, charge your phone or tablet up to full, and don’t bring in your 50 closest friends (1-2 are fine).
WHAT SHOULD I WEAR FOR MY TATTOO SESSION?It’s more important to be comfortable than to be fashionable. Looser is better than tighter, and keep in mind you want to be able to cover up certain places that might show, depending on where you're getting your tattoo.
HOW SHOULD I PLAN FOR A LARGER TATTOO (ARM/LEG/BACK/ETC)?First thing, come talk to us. The best large pieces always BEGIN with a cohesive plan, not just bits and pieces loosely tied together. We can do a sleeve or back piece with existing work in place, but it will ALWAYS look better when you come in with a plan and allow the same artist to help bring that plan to fruition for you. Plan for your larger pieces to take longer and possibly require multiple sessions.
WHAT ARE SOME THINGS I MAY NOT THINK OF BEFORE I COME IN?- Take a shower - Don’t bring your kids. No really, don’t bring them. - Bring a driver's license or passport - Eat before you come in! - If you’re diabetic plan for a crash (and prepare yourself!) - Your idea may not be able to be tattooed - Just because you saw it on Pinterest doesn’t make it a good tattoo - Don’t put words with pictures - we’re going to try to talk you out of it because of that whole “a picture is worth 1000 words” thing
WHEN SHOULD I NOT GET TATTOOED?You should not get tattooed when you are: - Feeling Sick - Just getting over being sick - Drunk - High - Pregnant - Pre-Surgery - Post-Surgery - When you don’t know what you want - When you can’t afford it - When you’re sunburned - When you haven’t showered - When you have your kids with you - If you don’t have an ID - Being pressured into it
WHAT IS THE PAIN LEVEL FOR A TATTOO?A tattoo is probably a 3/10. The best comparison would be to getting a scratch on a sunburn or to having someone draw on you with a ball-point pen on a sunburn. It doesn’t feel good, but it’s more of an intermittent irritation than a constant pain. Remember, a tattoo has more in common with an abrasion than it does with a hypodermic needle shot from the doctor.
HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO HEAL AFTER A TATTOO/PIERCING?The majority of your new tattoos healing process will be done within the first two weeks. However, the skin is still working to heal and rejuvenate and you need to plan on a 4-6 weeks for your skin to be back to its previous state.
WHY DO TATTOOS START TO ITCH WHILE HEALING?As the skin rejuvenates itself, usually about a week after the tattoo was done, the itch sets in. This is 100% normal. Good moisturizers will help immensely with this but DO NOT SCRATCH IT! If lotion isn’t helping, run it under cold water for a few moments and you should be itch free.
WHY DO YOU REQUIRE DEPOSITS?Often we will have hours of work in drawing and preparing for a tattoo before you sit down in our chair. Deposits help to ensure you make it to your appointment and that we haven’t done hours of work for nothing.
SHOULD I TIP?You should ALWAYS tip those who provide services for you. Whether it’s your barber/hairstylist, waiter, or the kids with a lemonade stand down the street, if they provide you a service you should tip them. This includes your tattoo artist.
WHAT HAPPENS IF I NO-SHOW DURING MY APPOINTMENT?We’ve only ever had a few people do this and it’s a terrible idea. If you no-show we will keep your deposit. That means your tattoo, if you do get it, will cost you 150% of what it should have cost.
CAN YOU GIVE ME A PRICE OVER THE INTERNET OR PHONE?NO. We only give tattoo prices in our shops, there are too many variables, such as, size, detail, and placement of the tattoo you are wanting to be able to give you a price over the phone or internet.
WHY DO I HAVE TO COME IN TO THE SHOP TO GET A QUOTE?There are too many variables to give a quote over the phone or over the internet. The size and placement are important factors in the cost of a tattoo. You should always meet your artist and discuss in detail EXACTLY what you want, because it will be on YOU, FOREVER.
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